Join the London Incidental Orchestra [LIO] for the first in their ‘Opera Unwrapped’ series at St John’s Waterloo on Wednesday 18th April.
The orchestra is delighted to present a concert exploring one of the world’s best known operas: Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro. Just like a season of 24, the drama takes place over one day and our protagonist, Figaro, must overcome every hurdle placed in his way by Count Almaviva before he can finally marry Susanna.
Driven by our 35-piece orchestra and some of the UK’s rising opera stars, we’ll be performing the opera’s famous arias and unforgettable overture, while guiding the audience through the tales of seduction, wit and gender identity.
We’ll explore why the original play was banned in Vienna, the different ways of translating Italian text and how staging can change the entire meaning of an aria.
So if you’re a die-hard Figaro fan or if don’t know your Aria from your elbow, come and join us in April as we go In bocca al lupo – ‘into the mouth of the wolf’ and perform some the world’s finest music in an informal setting.
*Each ticket includes a free glass of wine*